How to last longer during sex (2022)

If you want to know how to last longer during sex then I think you are on a good site. If you’re worried that you’re going to bed too early, you’re not alone – one in three people in the US report having problems with premature ejaculation. It is not clear why this happens, but scientists believe it is a combination of psychological and biological factors.

If you can’t have sex as long as you want, there are several strategies that can help.

How to last longer during sex (2022)
How to last longer during sex (2022)

How long does the average person last during sex?

According to a 2005 study conducted in five countries, vaginal intercourse usually lasts about 5 to 6 minutes.

This is much smaller than what the adult film industry often portrays: Hour after the hour of sex, which can give a false impression about how long sex should last, says Jemin Brahmbhatt, a urologist at the Orlando Health Medical Group Urology Pur Clinic. However, it is important to remember that there is no right time for sexual intercourse and it is up to you and your partner to decide the best time for both of you.

Why you might not be lasting as long as you want to:

It is common for men to end up very fast once in a while. But if you ejaculate after intercourse for less than a minute, your premature ejaculation may be caught.

It can be very difficult to identify exactly why this happens to you, but here are some common culprits.

  • Psychology

Studies show that anxiety, especially concerns about your sexual performance, is associated with premature ejaculation. Depression, stress, or guilt can also increase your chances of ending up quickly. Men can also have high rates of premature ejaculation if they have a bad physical image or have been sexually abused.

  • Experience:

Your level of sexual experience can also affect how long you last in bed. “Men may also climax faster if they are not having sex often or this is their first time engaging in any sexual activity,” Brahmbhatt says.

  • High amounts of free testosterone:

Studies show that men with premature ejaculation have high levels of free testosterone, which can lead to symptoms such as loss of energy and reduced sexual drive. But scientists say more research is needed to determine why.

  • Hyperthyroidism:

Hyperthyroidism can also cause premature ejaculation, a condition in which the thyroid gland in your neck produces too much of a hormone called thyroxine. Researchers aren’t sure why thyroid problems affect your sexual energy, but after treatment for hypothyroidism, men are less likely to have premature ejaculation.

How to last longer during sex:

If you are struggling with finishing too early, here are 16 things you can do that may help.

1. Get support from your partner:

Getting support from your partner can be an important part of the process. “To get started, tell your partner that you want to try to be long-lasting, and ask your partner if he or she is interested,” says Vanessa Marin, MFT, a licensed sex therapist in private practice.

It can help your partner understand what is happening and talk openly about feelings of frustration. Once communication with your partner is open, you can discuss exactly what triggers your orgasm and try to practice the following methods.

2. Use condoms:

Since premature ejaculation can be the result of hypersensitivity, using a condom is a simple solution that can prolong sexuality. Condoms create a barrier around the penis that dulls the sensation and can lead to delayed ejaculation.

How to last longer during sex (2022)
How to last longer during sex (2022)

3. Learn the pause-squeeze method:

The pause-squeeze method can be done while having sex or masturbating and involves:

  • Have sex until you feel like you’re about to ejaculate.
  • Then, pull and press the tip of your penis for a few seconds or until ejaculation is required.
  • And finally, continue having sex and repeating the strategy as needed.

“The theory is you can stop the flow, relax the penis and then go back to it to increase your time,” says Brahmbot.

Brahmbot says it could be one of the more difficult treatments for premature ejaculation because it takes a lot of self-control. Practicing repeatedly and communicating clearly with your partner can help make the process easier.

4. Do pelvic floor exercises:

Your pelvic floor muscles are located just below your prostate and your rectum, and like any other muscle, they can be tightened with exercise. Experts believe that if the pelvic floor muscles are very weak, it can be very difficult for you to delay your ejaculation.

To flex your pelvic floor muscles, work as if you are trying to stop yourself from urinating or gasping and feel which muscles are moving. To tone these muscles, follow these steps:

1. Tighten the pelvic floor muscles – you can lie down or sit if this makes it easier.

2. Hold the muscles taut for 3 seconds.

3. Relax the muscles for 3 seconds.

4. Repeat the exercise as many times as needed.

To get good results, you should try to do three sets of 10 repetitions each day.

5. Slow your roll :

Quick emphasis creates intense stimulation and can increase your chances of orgasm after a short time. Quick stress can make it harder for your body to detect more subtle sensations and you may not realize that you are approaching orgasm, Marin says.

“Try to walk at a slower pace, and take regular breaks to move at extra slow speeds,” Marin said. You may be surprised that some partners may prefer slow movements, especially at the beginning of sex.

Positions that restrict your movement, such as keeping your partner at the top, can also be helpful because you can’t lose control and start pushing too fast.

6. Change up positions:

When you change positions, it requires you to take a bit of a break and slow your movements. 

“You’re not getting as much stimulation during the transition, so it allows your body to cool off and get further from orgasm,” says Marin. 

Positions, where you can’t penetrate as deeply, may also help, such as a spooning position where you are the “big spoon.”

7. Try edging :

Aging is the process of rising to the brink of orgasm, then stopping to cool down before starting again.

To prolong sex time, repeat the edge process as often as possible, Marin says. Since you are not allowing yourself to take orgasms and periodic breaks, you will naturally be prolonged.

8. Masturbate before sex :

Masturbation before sex can help you last longer, as your body will not be as sensitive to sexual stimulation, says Marin.

It may take some testing and error to figure out how long before you have the sex you should masturbate. Because if you masturbate just before sex, it can be difficult to get an erection again so soon. But if you experience orgasm many hours ago, you can completely reset the time of intercourse and very fast ejaculation.

Basically, you want to find the sweet spot where you lower your arousal but don’t kill your sex drive, says Marin.

How to last longer during sex (2022)
How to last longer during sex (2022)

9. Distract yourself :

Another option is to confuse yourself with other thoughts, including some mundane things like what you ate at dinner or a movie you watched last week. It can help keep your mind away from your pleasurable sensations and delay ejaculation for a short time.

However, it can also take away from your sexual enjoyment and your intimacy with your partner. You can try this method to see if it helps you to last longer, but overall, be sure to be present and attached to your partner during sex.

10. Ask your doctor about numbing medications:

Prescription numbing medications use ingredients like lidocaine and prilocaine, which generally come as creams or sprays that will decrease sensitivity, and can be a helpful way to treat premature ejaculation. 

The numb cream or spray should be applied carefully to the penis 20 to 30 minutes before sexual intercourse to be most effective. You need to wash your cream before having sex so that it does not affect your partner.

“Make sure your partner knows you’re using it – as a head-up and to make sure they don’t have any allergic reactions or problems with using it,” says Brahmbatt.

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