If you have less idea about water sex then read this article and gain knowledge.
Things to consider :
There is something about the sexuality of water that feels liberated in an easy way. It could be two actions or a higher feeling of intimacy or it could be the mystery of getting into unknown water – literally. However, there is a risk of being ‘aware’, including the possibility of slipping, developing an infection, or possibly breaking some laws (which you do not want to do).
But if you are ready for adventure and want to educate yourself about the challenges water poses, there is no reason not to dive directly.
If you’re in a shower :
If you have got a shower that’s big enough for multiple bare frames, bathing sex can be amusing and intimate. The waterfall of your shower can encourage you and your spouse to get shut — and we mean really close.
Pros :
The shower gives you a great opportunity to test standing positions that you can’t do while having sex in bed or on the couch. Shower sex is also great for playing solo.
It is even safer to use a showerhead to massage your external areas, such as your nipple, labia, or clitoris. Just be sure not to spray water inside your genital cavity as it can interfere with your body’s natural pH level.
Cons :
Shower intercourse frequently happens standing up, so there’s a possibility of slipping. Using an anti-slip shower protection mat may give your toes additional padding and traction.

Try this :
Standing sex can be difficult to navigate at first – especially if you and your partner are high-stakes so consider this an entry-level step. All you have to do is find the nearest partner to the wall. If they want to face the wall, all they have to do is push for support.
Or they may lean their back against the wall and push their tips towards the stimulating partner. If the shower is small enough ‘they can press their hands against the opposite wall for support.
If you’re in a bathtub :
Tub time isn’t only for tub bombs and meditation. In reality, bathtub intercourse can also be an effective way to get physically closer to your partner.
Pros :
Unlike with bathe sex, bathtubs be offering the choice to sit down or lay down comfortably whilst being in part or completely submerged.
Cons :
Immersion in warm water opens the door to potential infections. Adding bubble bath salt or oil to water can increase your risk of urinary tract infections. Although water itself will not transmit a yeast infection from one person to another.May engage in underwater sexual activity. In other words, you should not have sex in the water unless you or your partner have cleared the infection.
Try this :
Staying in the bathtub should not be limited to just underwater sex. Try to sit at the edge of the tub when your partner goes down to you or vice versa to get the best of both worlds. If you are sure you can slip, move forward with the nearest countertop or railing.
If you’re in a hot tub :
In the likely case that a bathtub isn’t sufficiently big for you and your partner, a sizzling bath might be a really perfect choice.
Pros :
Isn’t that what feels great behind you? Now imagine incorporating that feeling into your foreplay. Also, most hot tubs have a tailored seating area which gives a lot of support for changing positions.
Cons :
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, having sex in a hot tub does not prevent pregnancy. You have the same chances of getting pregnant in hot water as you are in the dry land. What’s more, dipping an external condom (the type of penis worn) in hot water and chlorine can be bad. This means it can tear or break. So if you are trying to avoid pregnancy, make sure that you or your partner are on board with your birth control method before jumping.
Try this :
For a relaxed position that permits you to rock yourself into a steady orgasm, face your partner and straddle them as they sit down on the seat. For even more arousal, position yourselves near a couple of jet streams.
If you’re in a pool :
Unlike bathtubs or hot tubs – pools that have limited space to move around can feel unlimited.
Pros :
There’s so much room, each vertically and horizontally, for you and your partner to discover. You even have more buoyancy to work with.
Cons :
Pool water, such as bathtubs or hot tubs, is more likely to be infected. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been 493 outbreaks of treated recreational water-related illnesses between 2000 and 2014. The outbreak caused at least 27,219 individual illnesses and eight deaths.
It is also important to make sure you are not breaking any rules. Stay away from public swimming pools. Private pools are usually much cleaner and more private and you don’t have to worry about breaking the law.

Try this :
If the deep end of the pool is a little hard, go to the shallow end and take advantage of the stairs. Wrap your legs around your partner’s shoulders and float on your back while your partner is sitting on the stairs. This will allow them to be stimulated from the front.
If you’re in an ocean, river, or lake :
Having intercourse in an ocean, river, or lake can be totally exhilarating, particularly if you’re attempting not to get caught by onlookers.
Pros :
There are plenty of reasons to like the sexual freedom of play water. The adrenaline rush of being out, the satisfaction of losing yourself in the moment, and being one with nature.
cons :
Unfortunately, there is no way to know if the outside water will be clean as opposed to your shower or bathwater. Being so close to your genitals can be a hotbed for germs. Such as parasites. You also want to make sure that you are not violating any city ordinance or state law.
Just choose a sheltered water body on private land if you can just make a mistake in terms of caution. Otherwise swim in an area that is shallow enough for you and your partner to stand. But so far away that no one can see what you are doing underwater.

Try this :
If the body is deep in the water try to include a flotation device in your water sex in a private area. Lie face down on a raft or inner tube while your partner uses a gentle ebb and flow of water to crush their body against you.
General tips and tricks :
Keep it private. Your bedroom probably has a door with a lock but most types of water sex are not closed. Especially outside. The last thing you want is to get a ticket for pornography or a written one as a registered sex offender.
Intercourse isn’t your only option. Test the water with your partner and a variety of stimuli. You can even see that what you like in the water is different from what you like in bed.
Silicone-based lube is key. Water-based lubricants rinse off underwater, and water itself isn’t a great lubricant. Stick to silicone.
Condoms still work. If you are planning to use a tied method. Put it on such a sex-worn outer condom before it goes into the water.
Ejaculate in the water isn’t going to get you pregnant. It’s highly not likely for ejaculate in the water around you to purpose pregnancy. This is especially true in hot water — prime temperatures can kill sperm that are outdoor the body within seconds.
But pregnancy is possible — even in a hot tub. Pregnancy is very possible if you are in the water as on dry land. Hot temperatures will not kill the sperm secreted in the vagina, so if you want to avoid pregnancy, take proper precautions.
So are sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Talk to your partner about the last time you both were tested. And if you want to do that, use a condom inside (wearing vagina) or an outside condom (wearing sex) to help prevent infection.
Aftercare is crucial. No matter how you and your partner enjoy yourself in the water, be sure to take care of yourself when you’re done. Clean yourself, go to the bathroom and rehydrate. (Not only are you working out, but hot water can also dehydrate your body.)
The bottom line :
Quite simply, ‘Stay safe and have fun. Water sex can be an exciting way for you and your partner to get closer than ever. Not to mention, a little wet. And make sure you discuss any potential risks or questions in advance so that your partner stays on the same page. You should also make sure that if you are in a more fun public space than your backyard, you will not hit an innocent passerby.
Is Peeing After Sex Really Necessary?
Is it really necessary? -It isn’t necessary, per se, but it is helpful. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) after urination can help.UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urethra, usually through your urethra, and travel through your bladder. If you have a vaginal passage, then the urethra – the urethra – is close to your vagina.
If you have a penis, your urethra excretes both urine and semen – though not at the same time. Peeing after sex can help flush bacteria that was offered during sex away from your urethra. Although it isn’t a foolproof technique to prevent sex-related UTIs, it’s one rather simple method to take a look at.
Morning Sex: How to Get It on in the A.M. and Why You Should :
What’s the big deal? -There is no denying that the best part of waking up is to lower the cup of fresh coffee. But do you know what a great way to start your day is? Morning sex.
That’s right — getting busy whilst you first wake up has the entire benefits of drinking coffee and extra. Morning intercourse is helping ease you into your workday. It can spice up your energy ranges and relieve tension. Having an orgasm for sure improves your mood. And, very best of all, you bond together with your partner. Honestly, there’s no reason not to include morning sex in your daily routine.

How to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva :
1. Do you really need to wash your vagina? -No, you have to wash your vulva. Let’s summarize some basic anatomy The vagina is the inner canal of your body. The word valva refers to the outer parts around the vagina e.g.
- clitoris
- clitoral hood
- inner and outer labia (vaginal lips).
While you shouldn’t wash inside of your vagina, it’s a good suggestion to scrub your vulva. Washing the vagina can result in many issues. You may have heard that the vagina is sort of a self-cleaning oven — a sexy correct metaphor.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists points out that your vagina cleans itself and keeps itself wholesome by maintaining the proper pH steadiness and cleaning itself with herbal secretions.
Your vagina incorporates a lot of “good” microorganisms. These bacteria take care of the best pH steadiness in your vagina, which is somewhat acidic. The acidic pH makes it hard for “bad” bacteria to infect your vagina.
Washing your vagina can affect your ability to clean itSo if you want a clean vagina then leave yourself alone!
2. How do you wash your vulva?. You need to wash your valve with hot water. You can use a mild soap if you want. Which will not irritate the skin – but it is not necessary. Spread your lips apart and gently wipe around the folds using a washcloth or your hand. Avoid water or soap inside your vagina.

It is a good idea to wash your vulva as well as the anus and the area between your vulva and anus every day. It is better to wash “from front to back” – in other words, first, wash your vagina and then your anus. Otherwise, bacteria from the rectum can spread to your vagina which can cause an infection.
What Should I Do If the Condom Broke?
You have options – First things first: Take a deep breath. You’re not the first person – and you’re not the first – you’ll feel a torn or broken condom during sex. The risk you face depends on when your condom breaks and what kind of intercourse you are having. There are steps you can take to reduce your risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. But time is of the essence. I’ll talk to you about what to do next.
Assess the situation – If you understand the condom you’re the use of is damaged, forestall what you’re doing right away. Withdraw from your spouse’s frame. Then, assess what you need to do subsequent. These questions can help you decide your next steps.